About Me

Throughout my life, there are few phrases that describe what needs to happen for healing. Open Your Heart is one of them. I spent years “looking” for God. I felt abandoned, alone and desperate. I was too young for all I was experiencing. My hopes and my dreams were disappearing.

Following my diagnosis with autoimmune hepatitis and the lovely outcome predicted by my doctor (50% chance of survival and a liver transplant), I began a journey to find my way back to health. I spent hours in the library.  No internet then. I would read medical journals, study documented illnesses, read about chemical toxicity, cellular properties, gene expression. I read everything I could get my hands on. I began to formulate a hypothesis for my own situation. I determined that, not only did I have a unique genetic expression, but that my particular expression was one that did not fit in with the typical patterns assigned to the human body.

Ultimately, this led to my determination that each individual possesses a unique expression that cannot be compared to another. So, how do you reconcile this with traditional science? You can’t. When we study something, we are typically looking for a pattern. Something we can identify.  By studying a pattern, we learn that pattern and what to expect when we see that pattern. Yes, you can find patterns within a population of people, but ultimately, you are only looking at one pattern. The FACT is that there are multiple patterns and these patterns are uniquely formed before conception. This is why certain illnesses can be so hard to treat.

When I was in my late twenties, I had what some call a near death experience. I later would go on to have what some call an enlightenment experience. And after that I had what some would call a “you’re nuts” experience. A direct conversation with God. In fact, at the time, no one, other than my immediate family, really believed me. But I received a direct and miraculous healing from long standing, severe pain.  Pain that caused me to lie in bed and cry every night. I was told to share my healing experience. At the time, I wasn’t sure what that meant. I wasn’t sure how to do it. But I do now. I received another gift. By receiving the gift of healing, I became able to SHARE the gift of healing. 

Through my own healing process, and manifesting that healing, I was able to offer healing transformation to others. It was the gift I came with, but had been unable to see. And that is the remarkable thing about healing, with each step, new things come into light.  Ultimately, I learned that healing does not have to be a process.

I did manifest the healing of my liver disease over a 2 year period, with almost immediate retraction of inflammatory markers. The lupus factors were a bit more stubborn, but none-the-less, those outward expressions of lupus became less and less.

The first step in healing – regardless of the kind of healing you want – is to Open Your Heart.  Opening your heart requires trust.  And you must trust God, however you define that aspect – be it source, higher guidance, God….it is all one.